Spondylosis Treatment in Pune

We understand the impact spondylosis can have on your life, like waking up stiff and sore every day because of spondylosis. The Physio9 Clinic's spondylosis treatment in Pune has a plan to get you moving pain-free again!

Spondylosis, also known as spinal osteoarthritis, is a degenerative condition that affects the spine, particularly as people age. It involves changes in the spine's discs, bones, and joints, which can lead to various symptoms and complications.

Spondylosis is a condition in which disc degeneration can cause pain and stiffness. The body can respond to this by forming bone spurs that narrow the space available for nerves and cause pain.

It also involves changes in the joints of the spine. The facet joints are located at the back of the spine, causing inflammation and the development of osteoarthritis. This can contribute to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.

The symptoms of spondylosis can vary depending on the location and severity of the condition. Common symptoms include neck or back pain, stiffness, muscle weakness, tingling or numbness in the extremities, and difficulty walking or maintaining balance.

The Physio9 Clinic's approach to spondylosis treatment in Pune focuses on relieving pain, improving flexibility, and restoring function. Treatment options include physical therapy, medication, and lifestyle modifications. Our goal is to help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

The Physio9 is home to experienced physiotherapists who are dedicated to providing personalized care for spondylosis. We use the latest advancements in treatment with a caring approach to make sure that you receive the best possible care.

At The Physio9 Clinic, we believe in empowering our patients to take control of their health and well-being. With our comprehensive approach to spondylosis treatment, you can regain control of your life and enjoy improved mobility and comfort.

Don't let spondylosis hold you back from living your life to the fullest. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take a step towards finding relief with The Physio9 Clinic's spondylosis treatment in Pune.


Spondylosis is primarily caused by age-related changes in the spine, including wear and tear of the spinal discs and facet joints. Other factors, such as genetics, lifestyle, and injuries, can also contribute to the development of spondylosis.
Spondylosis is a chronic condition for which there is currently no cure. However, our physiotherapist can help you manage symptoms and improve your quality of life.
If spondylosis is not treated, it can lead to worsening symptoms, decreased mobility, and in some cases, nerve compression that can cause pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms or legs.
Spondylosis is a common condition, and in many cases, it is not serious. However, in some cases, it can lead to significant pain, stiffness, and disability, especially if it causes compression of the spinal nerves.
People with spondylosis may benefit if they avoid activities that put strain or pressure on their spine, such as heavy lifting, high-impact sports, and activities that involve twisting or bending the spine.
Yes, physiotherapy can be beneficial for people with spondylosis. Our physiotherapist will work with you and develop an exercise program to strengthen the muscles that support your spine, improve flexibility, and reduce pain.
While spondylosis is a chronic condition that cannot be fully cured, many people are able to manage their symptoms effectively with conservative treatments such as exercise, medication, and lifestyle modifications.
The healing time for spondylosis can vary depending on the seriousness of the individual and the condition. In several cases, symptoms can be managed effectively with ongoing treatment.
Yes, massage therapy can help you relax tight muscles, improve circulation, and reduce pain in people with spondylosis. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment.
Spondylosis is a chronic condition that tends to worsen over time. While it cannot be cured, it can often be managed effectively with appropriate treatment.